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Saturday, June 23, 2007
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damn..it's been a long time since i blog..
a lot of things happen during the hols..haiz..
i'm typing dis at my mum's fren's laptop..it's a cool one..
but soon i'll be getting my own laptop!!
soooo happy!!!!
school's starting soon..
having to learn how to swim withthe boys.. and i haven't mention that we have to see all the boys HALF-NAKED!!
i was in panel meeting again.. but it was alright..
i actually finished all of my homeworks (excluding my acelearn homework n history as i'm nowhere as good as making up a poem or making sentences rhyme..)during thefirst week of the hols..
it's quite shocking actually as i would usually leave all my homeworks in my cupboard and i would only take it out at the last week of the hols and find it covered in dust..
harry potter's new movie is coming up!! i'm sooo excited!!
oookkk... i got to go... i'm going home soon.. buaiz...see ya..i hope..

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2:59 AM

Tuesday, May 01, 2007
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damn it!!
exam coming dis week..
well, last week was my one mth anni. wif jon..
i learnt a new word from esther..XUETE..
hehe..it means shit..
yesterdae i had awards dae rehearsal at da hall..
da malay dancers had to dance at da squeezy stage..
oh my gawd..
i swear i was about to fall running around at dat darn stage..
well, wafir, bahri and afif were at da hall at dat time and wafir said
"it's a funny dance but it's..OK lar.."
he wants da song dat we're dancing to..
for god's sake.. can't he get any funnier??
haha.. juz kidding..
den wen going hm after dat, i was wif wafir, syiqin and farah HONEY..
syiqin and wafir had a fun time unzipping each oder's bags..
hey da dance floor's finally over..
vas n pris won!!
dah agak dah..
too bad platinum didn't win..
i miss blogging..
k i gtg..

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4:47 AM

Friday, April 13, 2007
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dis week is a veri sad week..
my malay dance onli achieved a bronze award for SYF..
i cried lyk hell in da AVA rm..
we put in alot of effort for da dance!!
guess we have to try harder next two years..
well, we had sports day on wednesdae..
took some pics wif shuhada..

it was okae lar during sports dae..

at least it made me happi..

abg kept posing at da field..

haiz..biase arh..nga tangkap jambu..

hehe..no offence..

exam coming in a few weeks.. omg!!


at class juz nw, it was chaotic as usual..

it was during music..

dat mdm poh was talking to herself (or rather screaming to herself)

while we were all talking to our frenz..

den suddenly mdm poh sae,' am i an idiot or r u not listening to wad i'm trying to explain to u nw?'

we all start laughing!!

nw den she noe dat she's an idiot??


even farah agreed with me!!


i'm trying to think positive bout da SYF result..

if i keep thinking bout it, i tend to get veri sad bout it..

den i start crying..


it's okae..have to try harder next two years..


i guess onli dat happen dis week..

n ouh yeah!! abg sang glamorous by fergie yesterday!!


he sae he noe dat he's a gd singer..prasan..haha..

i like da part when dey all sae

"if u ain't got no money take your broke ass home!"

nice sia..


kk i gtg..

blog next tyme..

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8:09 AM

Saturday, April 07, 2007
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dis week okae lar..

yesterdae was damn boring..

i was forced to eat 3 plates of nasi briyani by my aunt!!

i swear i was about to burst!

i swear i had nothing to do 2dae!!

yesterdae at my aunt's place, i talk to jon<3>

we talk bout sports dae..we can't wait!!


den after dat i smsed zul..

i had nothing to do so i told dat clown to entertain me..


it was quite fun msging zul..

he a bit kaypoh sumtime..but i dun mind..

haha..ain if u r reading dis, dun tell him!! i want to tell him myself..


sial ar SYF coming next week!!

pressure sia!!

we cannot bring supporters cuz cikgu juliana prioritize da sec 4s n sec 5s dis year..

n sum of da sec 1s sibuk nk gi tgk..

but dey'll be doing all da work later!!


have to kemas2 all da make up etc..


wafir, bahri n arinie.. if u're reading dis, SORI BANGAT!!

next time k??


i cannot tahan da pressure nw lar..

watever la..

k gtg nw..

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3:06 AM

Saturday, March 17, 2007
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okok too dramatic..
she came last nite at 1.30 am and i was damn happi!
den juz nw we went to causeway to juz jalan2 dere..
it was ok lar..
it's juz dat i hate da part where i had to do my 'business' at da toilet halfway during our window shopping..
she asked a lot bout my frenz..
i told her bout irah n ada of cos..n arinie..
she laughed a lot wen i told her bout bahri saying 'can i have i small COCK please?' instead of one small coke..
and also bout wafir saying 'two mcSYIQIN please..' at da counter of macdonalds..
i was laughing my head off at dat time..
SYF coming uh..
can u believe dat i spent 12 hours doing malay dance at skewl??
it was damn tiring..
but da funni thing was dat i never got scolded during those 12 hours..
usualli i would be da one dat would get scolded ferst..
hmm..4get bout dat..
i'm juz getting in gd terms wif da instructor..
skewl's gonna open soon..
have to endure those teachers again..
but bcuz of my ABG WAFIR HIDAYAT, i have to keep his promise of paying attention in class FULLTIME!!
i dunno whether if i can keep dat promise, bro, but i'll try..
he gave me a gd 10 min lecture about not getting gd results last friday..
i swear i was going to cry wen he did dat..
i'm a bit sensitive wen it comes to all dis things lar..
he's actualli concern..
i dun mind..asalkan jangan overprotective sudah..
he veri garang..
oh ya..abg,if u're reading dis, i juz wanna sae sori bout last friday..
about u noe wad..
i won't sae it..
n about dat prob of yours..juz 4get bout it..k??
urrggh!! my fone kene confiscate!!
but it's not my fault!!
my maid pakai to kol indonesia!!
i dun care!!
i dun give a damn of da fone!!
i juz want my frenz!!
frenz rock!!
singers shud make songs bout friendship..
dere're too many songs bout lurve..
i juz found out dat sum bands like KISS, METALLICA, AC/DC worship satan..
creeps me out..
i also found out dat ozzy osbourne bit a live bat's head off while doing a performance onstage..
uugghh its juz disgusting enuf to tink bout it..
i also heard dat micheal jackson was considering of becoming a muslim..
walao too many shocking news sia..
i cannot wait to go to skewl dis monday!!
kk i gtg..buaiz!!

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5:26 AM

Friday, March 02, 2007
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long tyme nvr blog!!
todae was fun!!
after skewl staeback 4 awhile to watch rugby but den it rained bcuz of afif's singing!!
gggrrr!!! feeling like strangling him!!
me n abg jambu keep singing jesse mccartney's song 'JUZ SO YOU NOE"..
haha..kidding lar..
we chilled wif shahrul, abg jambu, afiq, afif, zul, shahrizan n firhan..
fun lar..ok2..
juz nw at skewl cikgu yazmin nvr cum n den mr poh-tato head came to class.. he talked bout to us for da whole of one hour bout we r da same as R.I students n R.G.S students..
den lisa kena scolded by him..
damn funni sia!!
i lurve da song by SUM 41 called 'STILL WAITING"
so damn nice..
juz nw wen syafiq touch my face, i swear i was shivering lyk hell!!
dis is all da cause of SYAHIRAH!!
(syahirah, if u're reading dis, u'll get sumting from me later!!)
i'm trying so hard to 4get bout him but i have my bez frenz n my FAIRY GODBROTHER
kk i gtg la.. my tangan saket alreadi..

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5:07 AM

Friday, February 09, 2007
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haiz... dis week was kinda boring.. well, i got to noe dat MR STEVEN is our new co-form tcher!! sylvia was going crazy!! haha.. i tink it's bcuz of da incident dat happened last week.. hmmm... boring ah.. mamat came back from thai already.. miss him sey.. haiz.. but he seldom sms me nw cuz dia takut dat his bill naik again.. 2dae was fun sia!! me, ain, shahrul n wafir go to mcdonald.. shahrul blanja me.. haha.. so nice.. i didn't expect to have a damn lots of fun wif dem all.. da boyz were nice leh.. at mcdonald we keep laughing.. da boyz lar keep making jokes.. hahahahahahahahahaha... i'm still laughing nw.. me n ain wanna hang out wif dem again!! syiok arh!! ajak mamat skali lar.. haha.. lagi fun pe.. hehe.. next week got maths common test.. gggrrr!!! k gtg... so late alreadi... haha..

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